EXTEND SDC Ostrava, o.s.

XXIII. Hornický šachťák

17. - 19. January 2025

What is Hornický šachťák?
Traditional Dance Square Dance lovers meeting, the symbolism has become today the historic mining business in Ostrava - ie Havirna. Usually the dance program is set in the "coal mine" (halls Cechovna, Buda, Rubani, Havirňa) and context are treated with all components of the action.
Due to the floods, we had to move the Buda round hall to the gym of the adjacent Secondary School of Construction and Woodworking (necessary move outside towards Kaufland)
There will also be a theater this year.

Where will be held XXIII. Hornický šachťák?
Secondary technical school of chemistry, Středoškolská 2854/1, 70030 Ostrava - Zábřeh
It is necessary to wear shoes that do not leave marks at school.

Who will XXIII. Hornický šachťák?

Callers Cuers
Vladimír Andris Miroslava Barviková Lucie Červená
Michal Bayer Michal "Dingo" Janák Pavel "Hop" Hosenseidl
Veronika Kostková Tomáš "Doug" Machalík Ján Valtýni
Miroslav Ručka Jiří "Slamák" Slabý
Jindřich "Čára" Šašek Karel Štefek
Antonín Vašut

How much will XXIII. Hornický šachťák?
On the whole weekend - registered to 12.1.2025 ......... 600 Kč/ 24 €
On the whole weekend - unregistered 12.1.2025 ......... 650 Kč/ 26 €

Price does not include meals.
However - if you're interested, you can order at the registration (to 12.1.2025) for Saturday lunch (Vegetable Soup, Pork Chop with Rice, Compote, Tea) and dinner (Chicken with paprika, pasta, Tea).
And of course the main function of Mining Rescue Station (buffet) !

More information:

Registration closed 12. January 2025